Thursday, April 16, 2009

Ok, I figured it out.

I figured it out. Thanks for anyone who offered suggestions.

So what is new in the life of the Lee's? Seth is almost 10 pounds, a great sleeper and rarely fusses. Elizabeth is a great big sis. We are still looking for a house and saving for a bigger car. We are looking forward to warmer and longer days.

My cousin got engaged and his proposal was pretty cool. My friend Heather had her baby, Hunter and we are super excited for them. I long to workout again and to fit into non maternity clothes. (which by the way, all my non-maternity clothes were stolen in Dec.)Therefore we are saving to buy me a new wardrobe.

Nothing else. Oh, Adam is running in a marathon next weekend and will try to make Boston. Pray he does because this would be his last year then training for marathons and I would have him back on Sat mornings.

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