Thursday, July 19, 2007


So now that we have hit the big ONE, we now have hit "tantrums." Elizabeth's really are not that big yet.

An example, I host a mom's bible study. The kids range from 2 years old to Elizabeth's age. One little boy had a toy and Elizabeth wanted it so she went and snatched it. I told her "no." And handed it back to the little boy. Oh man! She did not like that. She plopped her little self down and cried loudly. It happened a few more times. Wow! I thought infancy was difficult.

Can I relate this a relationship with Jesus. You bet I can! There are many things in life that we all want and sometimes we just snatch it for ourselves before we even ask the owner. And when it is taken back, I am sure I have plopped myself down and cried. So, remember to ask the "owner" of all things if you are meant to have it before you take it.

1 comment:

Manda said...

Uh oh, things are getting interesting!! :)