Friday, August 28, 2009


It has been way too long since my last post over a month and a half. My apologies. The house is going well. I love being a homeowner. I tend to clean more often than when we were renting.

Our bedroom is the first "makeover" room. We painted it "clear blue." We have brown furniture and bed linens. Looking good. Props off to my husband. It took him quite a few tries to get the ceiling fan installed. He even took a class at Home Depot. But needless to say, He did it. No help from anyone. YES!

I took a break from typing to take a nap while the kids were "napping." One slept for maybe 20 minutes and the other not at all. I wonder what the night has in store. Oh Lord please give me patience.

On a more deeper note, how do you forgive someone when the wrong wasn't against me but a principle I believe in? My heart has gone through ups and downs trying to find peace. But is that what God wants? For me to be at peace with this difference in principle?I am not too sure is this where I need to stand and be that one?

1 comment:

Karebear said...

I'm so excited for you and your new house! I haven't been keeping up to date w/ the blogging thing either lately. Life can be so busy! I'm glad to see you are doing well tho. :)