Sunday, March 15, 2009

Yes, the prego counter says 9 days!

WOW! Where has the time gone? I still can't believe this will happen. I have not even packed a bag. Some friends say I am in denial that this little boy will grace us with his presence. Adam wants me to pack it just in case I go into serious labor in the middle of the night. I did buy over night shampoo and conditioner and stuff. That's a step.

For those of you who don't know but I am going to be induced on the 24th so my parents' can be here to love on Elizabeth. It stressed me out switching from one friend to another over 2-3 day period. I already know this transition can and will be difficult for her. I am feeling bittersweet about it all. First, that Elizabeth will no longer be the only "love" in the house or family. Second, I am super excited to see what Seth looks like and to have him join our family. I will post pics as soon as possible.

1 comment:

Karebear said...

Congratulations on the countdown!!!
I'm so happy for you Caroline!!!