Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Big decisions!

As many of you can tell because of the baby floating on the main page of this blog, that I am having a baby in 70 days. Crazy. The most crazy thing about it is, I can't decide what to call him. I should say we can't decide what to call him. Decision #1

Decision #2 Decide on how much we want to spend on a van. We are going to pay in full. We have no debt and would like to keep it that way until we buy a house. (see decision #3)Having 2 kids with bigger strollers and another car seat, really puts a four door out of a job.

Decision #3. Buy a house. In a good school zone and good neighborhood. This one isn't bad just a lot of stray dogs.

Thankfully, I have a God who is a constant God. Not one who is there when I am doing acts that are good. But One who is there because He loves me. That's it. NO matter how much I screw up, He is there. Awesome.


Manda said...

Good for you for having no debt! We are getting close.
Also? Getting close to a minivan. I'm kinda excited!! I need more room for all my crapola and dogs and people!!

Karebear said...

You are so right on Caroline!!!
He is faithful, even when I am not.
What a powerful thought!