It has been awhile since I have posted. I enjoy reading everyone else's so much I forget to do mine. We have one more week before ultrasound day to find out the gender so fun!!
This past Friday we had Uncle Nate over for dinner and pumpkin c

At church on Sunday I worked with the kids class. I started almost 2 years ago my mine focus on any kids with special needs. There were actually quite a few when we first recognized the need for more support. Actually I started praying when I moved here there would be an opportunity for me to serve in that kind of ministry. One women's bible study later, the childrens' director and I were talking and tears were she on both sides about how the need for each other. Anyways, yesterday they carved a pumpkin. I know my first thoughts were wondering the church's thoughts on Halloween in the church. But what the teacher taught the kids as the pumpkin was carved was this;
1. Top: Open my mind to learn about You (God)
2. Insides : Take away my sin
3. eyes: open my eyes to see You and Your love
4. Nose: I'm sorry for the times I was not thankful and when I turned up my nose
5. Mouth: Open my mouth so I can tell others about you
6. Candle: Let you light shine through me in all I say and do!
SO cool! I really enjoyed that and can't wait to use it next year.
To top of the weekend or actually this started last week. No heat. YIKES!! It has been cold but tonight will be the coldest 29 degrees. Supposedly the HVAC people are coming back again. We rent this duplex and the furnace was not orginally put in correctly and this will be the third time over all since installation they have been here. Then the gas company has to come back out and make sure it is safe to turn the gas on. Crazy.