Had a check up today. Yikes. I gained 5 pounds. The thing is I want to gain less weight than the last pregnancy. I am not on the right track. I could use the excuse I visited friends this weekend and ate a lot of good tasting but not good for me foods. But honestly, I have been so hungry this time around. By the end of the day I am annoyed with being so hungry. We are having to buy more groceries. Not only am I eating more but so is Adam. He is running in a marathon in Oct so he is having to consume more calories as well.
These friends I visited are friends I hope to have for a lifetime. The wife, Erica, has been my friend for over 10 years!! WOW! We met our senior year of high school. She went to another high school but somehow the good Lord had us be roommates for 2 years in college. We don't see each other very much but when we do it seems as if we just saw each other. It is great to have a friend like that.