Here is a run down of what has been going on with us.
In March, early March it snowed. It stuck for almost a whole day. Elizabeth only liked it a little.We felt like we were back in Chicago.
However a couple weeks later we were able to have a picnic in the park and then take a hike. Elizabeth walked for awhile but ran out of energy.
My bro came to visit. This is his last visit before he officially starts seminary.We had a great time. If you know him, ask him about the bunnies that came in the mail.
The following weekend was Easter and we flew to Chicago. It was cold but a great visit.

Lastly, as we wait on April fool's day, my sis and her hubbie have moved here to Nashville. It does not seem like they are really living here because it has only been one day. It seems more like a visit. We bought a second car seat to go in her car. The weather has been great since the beginning of March. We have had a lot of rain so the grass is very green.
Adam has had an influx of clients which we are praising God for.Swim lessons have started back up and I am still tutoring. God is good!