Happy Belated Valentine's Day!!
We did something. We played BINGO at church and no we did not win. Oh well. Let's rewind to see what else we have been up to.
January was not anything special. We had answered prayers of more hours for Adam at work and tutoring for me. YEAH GOD! In case you did not already know but my sis and her hubbie are moving here April 1st. Super excited. They have been down a couple times to house shop. A couple weeks ago when they were visiting the great tornadoes hit. MY sister and Jason had to spend some of their time in the basement of a hotel. My family was fine really didn't realized it was that close until we got home. Anyways, we were fine. The following another storm hit one called stomach flu. Elizabeth had it.She really was only sick for 2 hours. But they were horrible. I can't believe that she will probably get it at least once a year from here on out. Yikes! Adam and I somehow escaped it. We are so thankful. I heard it was real bad.
Nothing to spectacular is going on.