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Well in a week I will have a 14 month old. Too cool. So much has happened this summer with her communication development. (this will start the section of bragging about my daughter)
She can sign for eat, drink, all done, baby,and book. She can SPEAK the words "no,bye, mama,dada and hi." It is amazing to hear her speak. Ok enough on that.
She really does not like the sunglasses. I had to have Adam take the picture really quick. We have been to the pool a lot but even that won't cool us off.
Because of the heat, we stay inside. We watch Scrubs. Love Scrubs.
Hello from Nashville where it never, ever rains. Or so I think. I wish it would rain. Now. (isn't that a song?) Anyways. We are doing well. We stay inside almost all day except to run errands that aren't outside.
I recently(as in today) have begun tutoring again. Actually I just met with the lady who owns the tutoring company. I am excited. I am kind of missing teaching but would miss being at home even more(afternoon naps, reading a book during naptime, watching Scrubs over and over) Ok so I would also miss my daughter dearly. She said "hi" a gazillion times today.
For those of you who don't know, I went to Waubonsie Valley High School. I also played soccer there for 4 years. But let me back track a few years.
I started playing travelling soccer in the 5th grade. From then on I knew I wanted to play varsity soccer at Waubonsie. I went to their home games off and on. I did the soccer camp that was offered each year.
When I was freshmen and showed up to Midnight Madness. It was madness. But I began to realize through first hand experience and whispers from other players what you had to do to play for Judy Keller. As a freshmen I knew I would probably not play Varsity. But I did play JV and Freshmen for most of the year. Loved my freshmen coach. (went on to play Fall Travel League with him). Sophomore year came around and I had my hopes set high. I played JV for most of the season but when playoffs came, I was asked to set the bench for Varsity. Let me explain how excited I was as a sophomore to do that. Did I play , no. But I practiced harder than I ever had before.
Junior year came and once again I was placed on JV but went to tournaments and playoffs again with Varsity. I was extremely hurt that I didn't play all that much on Varsity. But someone beside Judy Keller saw that sometimes at practice I did play hard and could make the plays. (Steve Keller, Judy's son). He complimented me a lot at practice but rarely did I see play time. Senior year arrived and I made Olympic Development that previous summer, I knew I had arrived. Judy saw otherwise but decided to play a little manipulation between me and 2 other seniors during pre-season. I started maybe 2 games. However my voice could be heard belting the national anthem each home game. As I bonded with the varsity team I began to see what kind of girls some of them were and paid attention so maybe I could be like them so I could play. I began to see it took sassiness, being popular, and not doing well in school. Don't get me wrong there were some players who were complete opposite of that but they were excellent soccer players and deserved more than me to play. I was adult pressured into doing things I did not want to be pressured into doing out of fear. (singing for a girl's family for a dedication of bench). I would have loved to have done it given time to practice and gather up confidence. Because I lacked confidence that year whenever in the presences of Judy Keller. Unbelievable how such small,petite woman could be so intimidating. I was also told I needed to prove I was strong enough to play and had to go 1 v1 against a freshmen in front of the whole team.
Enough of the play by play, the reason for my writing is to finally say good bye to all the hatred I developed for that soccer program. By the time I graduated my dreams of playing college ball were gone. Not because of lack of interest on the college but mine. Playing for WVHS girls soccer was once an incredible dream I had as a little girl. But when the time had come it became a nightmare. One filled with tears and swallowing of pride, hatred towards girls I played with. I now play on a co-ed rec league and love it. Do I screw up? Constantly. But now I don't fear I will be subbed out and not to be played again maybe for the rest of the week.
Years later after I graduated from WVHS I learned Judy Keller had left head coach and became a flight attendant. My father ( who was at just about every game and was also there when I sat the bench) had her as his attendant one flight he had. I thought about what I would say to her if I were to see her again. Let me tell you a lot of nasty words did come to mind. But the loving conviction of the Holy Spirit pricked my pride and said even she needs to know the love of Jesus.
where we are going.......
I can tell you where we have been almost a year ago.
On August 7, 2006, the Lee family drove out of Naperville,Il or the western suburbs of Chicago. They were on a new adventure. New parents, new job, new home, new everything.
I was still figuring out breastfeeding and how I was ever going to make it as a new mom. A year later and I am stunned at how God delivered.
Not only did we not have any money coming in, but we had bills to pay and some exploring to do on where we can find the cheapest deals on groceries.
But we made it through August and help from family and friends to help us figure it all out. Last fall, we had everyone visit from both sides of the family at least every month. (very fun) We realized how amazingly beautiful Nashville is in October. But we even had money to spare for Christmas presents.
Springtime brought the idea of looking for a home to rent so we could have a yard. But the Lord directed otherwise. We are still in the same apartment with hopes to buy next year.
Spring also brought some extra money for me as I began to teach private swim lessons.
Spring also developed a mom's playdate into a weekly bible study. These friendships flourished and now we visit even outside of bible study.
Summer brought extreme temperatures seeming to never leave the 90's. But it also brought chance to visit with the Allen family for a week.
So this year in a nutshell has been exactly what God wanted even when we (really me) dragged our feet to be within His Will. We will see what this next year in Nashville has to brung to the Lee's.
ps. the picture is not Nashville. It is Topsail Island,NC. A small reprieve from daily life just when we needed it. My cousin got married on the beach. AMAZING!!